Revision UCE Agriculture Practicals

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USh 15,000
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Longhorn Publishers
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Revision UCE Agriculture Practicals Wanyana R. Joy Mary N. Lubega. 

The aim of this book is to:

1. Help students in the study and revision of agriculture throughout the four years b providing them with the relevant subject matter in the precise, simple and exhaustive manner.

2. Help students acquire examination techniques including question answer approach and practical skills and techniques.

Agriculture has principles and practices integrated in the subject matter. To be able to do well in Agriculture P527/2, a student is expected to have mastered, and should be able to demonstrate a number of skills the examination is set to test.

These skills include,

  • recall the agricultural facts and principles
  • application of agricultural knowledge
  • practical skills such as accurate observation, following instructions, use of laboratory materials, analysis, drawing comparisons, recording data and ability to make valid conclusions on agricultural information on table, graphs, etc.

These skills are important in helping a student to develop questions approach and precision in answering questions .

This books covers practical questions on soil science, crop production, animal production, agricultural mechanisation and farm structures.


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