Dabla Primary School Atlas

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USh 25,000
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Dabla Primary School Atlas has been developed following the New Competence based NCDC to suit learners in Primary Schools.

This book intends to;

  1. develop the learner's ability in creativity and using activities as a more powerful way of making discoveries for themselves.
  2. help learners concentrate on areas which are challenging and often cause difficulty thus making them easy to understand the concepts.

The atlas;

  • Contains, illustrations, images and pictures to enhance understanding of concepts.
  • Covers cross cutting issues such as religion, gender, people with disabilities etc.
  • Can be used as a reference book for social studies, geography, history and other subjects at all levels.
  • Hasan alphabetical glossary to help learners learn and understand keywords in the atlas. O has uniquely made learners practise making their own index instead of being spoon fed.
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Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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