Comprehensive Secondary School Atlas For Uganda

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USh 40,000
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The Comprehensive Secondary School Atlas for Uganda is the most current publication tailored to the new competence-based lower secondary school curriculum.

Using detailed maps, illustrations, full colour photographs, and up-to-date data, the Atlas comprehensively covers content from a wide range of subjects and cross cutting issues. It is an indispensable resource consciously developed to facilitate learners, teachers and general users to develop in-depth understanding of the earth as our home, human-environment relationships, global economic potential, opportunities and challenges.

It is rich in a variety of activities designed to enable learners acquire and apply key competences and skills and relating them to real life situations.

This Atlas presents;

  • Detailed coverage of development and significance of national symbols and the structure of local and national government
  • Detailed coverage of theory and application of map work, photographic interpretation and field skills In-depth coverage of the earth and continents our planets and the solar system 
  • Thorough coverage of Uganda's districts, physical environment, economic activities, the people, migrations and settlement
  • Comprehensive coverage of East Africa, with a focus on political divisions, physical environment, economic activities, the people, migrations and settlement and historical evolution 
  • Detailed coverage of Africa, political and physical environment, economic activities, the people, migrations and settlement
  • The current African regional blocs and international contacts 
  • Detailed coverage of China political divisions, physical environment, economic activities and the people
  • The prominent international organisations and their associated roles
  • Creative presentation of Human rights and Sustainable development goals
  • highlight of the different world regions with a focus on political, climate and vegetation regions.
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Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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