Vocational Agriculture for A'level and Colleges Gerald and Kimbowa

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Vocational Agriculture principles and practices for A'level and Colleges 

Covering the new A'level NCDC Agriculture syllabus. Detailed with more illustrations & revision questions by Kizito Gerald and Kimbowa Joachim. 

Principles and practices of Agriculture is taught as a principal subject in most of the secondary schools and colleges in Uganda.

However there is a noted shortage of up-to-date revision and reference books for both the students and instructors in the subject. This has further been compounded by the introduction of new content and topics into the recently updated A-level teaching syllabus.

It's upon this background that the authors of this book realized the need and hence took up the initiative to research, coordinateand prepare a detailed but syllabus specific piece of literature that is meant to exhaust all the study needs of students offering Agriculture at both O and A- levels. 

The book covers all the topics and subtopics stipulated in the new A-level syllabus yet providing adequate and clear examples, diagrams and revision questions.

The authors hope that with the help of this book, the students will be able to comprehend and thereby greatly improve their practical and theoretical approach in Agriculture for better grades. 

Improved Hybrid Edition 2023

Author Kimbowa Joachim, Kizito Gerald
ISBN 9789970180288
Class (secondary) Senior Five (S.5), Senior Six (S.6)
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Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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  • Muzira Andrew

    Muzira Andrew

    Thanks for the innovation,if I want to access this book,where are you located since am in kamuli
    4 months ago
    • Please click on the "shipping & location" tab above, you will our address on the map
      2 months ago
  • How can I get the book in soft copy
    2 years ago
    • I'm sorry my dear but this book is only available in print. There's no soft copy, however you can download alternatives on GMBResource forum at https://school.godsmercybookshop.com
      2 years ago

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