Physical Geography in Diagrams For Africa by R.B. Bunnett

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Physical Geography in Diagrams has been used in a large number of countries for many years and it 1s as extensively used today as it was during itsearly years of publication. But the Author and the Publishers felt that a new book, based on Physical Geography in Diagrams, ought to be written specifcallyto serve better the needs of the teachers and the students in the schools of Africa.

And the result is this book. Great care has been taken to ensure that it follows the same approach aS used in PhysicalGeography in Diagrams, that is, considerable emphasis and stress has been placed on the use of diagrams and photographs to illustrate the principles of physical geography, as well as the modes of formation and the appearances of all important land forms and relief features. Parts of Physical Geog- raphy in Diagrams have been used in the writing ot this book, but most of these have been re-written and re- organised. The greater part of the book is entirely new.

Special attention has been given to the various aspects of physical geography that occur in different parts of Africa and, wherever possible, examples of landforms and featureshave been drawn from the continent of Africa. But this does not mean that the rest of the world had been given less attention. Emphasis has also been given to the important landforms and relief features that occur outside the continent of Africa.

Each chapter, excluding Chapter 17, contains exer- cises of the type set in the O' Level Examinations. In addition, each chapter,excluding Chapters17 to 21, ends with a brief summary of the main pointsdiscussed in the chapter. The book is extensively illustrated: there are over 480 line diagrams and 88 black-and-white photo- graphs. All of the illustrations are numbered on a chapter basis, for easy reference, and each illustration has a caption. The language used in the book is controlled for both structure and vocabulary so that it is within the understanding of the students for whom it is intended.

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