Passing CRE/ Divinity Nsamba Gonzaga Baker

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USh 30,000
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Author / Publishing Company : Nsamba Gonzaga Baker

This book, "Passing 'A' Level C.R.E/ Divinity is intended for students offering Christian Religious Education at Advanced Level. It has been written for revision purposes and is therefore not a substitute for classroom notes and other textbooks. It offers a rare opportunity for a candidate to have a quick revision through the entire syllabus of C.R.E at 'A' level.

The book consists of 484 questions and answers guides. Of these, 146 are drawn from the Old Testament (P245/1), then 147 from the New Testament (P245/2). another 100 are drawn from Christianity in the East African Environment (P245/3) and 91 from Christian Approaches to Social and Ethical Issues (P245/4)

The presentation of the work in this book takes a topical approach. This enables a candidate to get a deeper insight into the nature of questions that may be set on a given topic. Every user is advised to find suitable explanations for the answer guides in this book. This implies constant revision of classroom notes, reading of text books, participating in constructive discussions and consulting one's teacher. Paper 4 answer guides are presented with possible interpretation and approach. There is also a special comment about Paper 4 section. Students are advised to read and internalize the comment made on Paper 4 before going through the answer guides.

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