MK Pupils Companion in Social Studies for upper primary

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USh 20,000
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MK Publishers
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MK Pupil's Companion in Social Studies has been written for pupils in upper primary (P.5 -P.7). The bookcontains examination typeof questions along with their answers covering Geography, History and Civics (current affairs). These questions are designed to instil in the pupil's three main skills: Research skills: Some questions inspire pupils to find informationon their own. Criticalthinkingskills:Some questions requirepupils to be observant and analytical. Social skills: Some questions require the pupils to work together (group work) and also to keep up-to-date with what is happening in their society. The author, Mwesigye Jackson is a teacher by profession and with very long experience. Through his long teaching experience in Buganda Road Primary School and currently in Lohanda Academy, he has identified pupil's learning problems in Social Studies which has led him to write this handy book using a question approach technique.


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