Kobta Simplified Reading P.2

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USh 15,000
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Kobta Publishers
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Third edition is now available!

KOBTA SIMPLIFIED READING BOOK TWO is a course written basing on the basic fundamental aspects in reading and teaching of English language. The learner is introduced to basic sounds, syllables and blends to form words and sentences.

A variety of words for spelling and writing has been also provided.

The book presents a wide range of exercises mixed up with stories, puzzles, rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles and songs for practice to enhance the learner's reading skills and thinking abilities as they apply the learnt content.

The learner is advised to complete BOOK ONE and TWO to attain the best results.

Class (primary) Primary two (P.2)
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Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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