The hare and the kob

0 1877
USh 10,000
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Oasis book project

The folktale from which this story is derived is Kakookolo. It comes from the Buganda region. The language spoken by the Baganda people is Luganda. This book has been adapted from Luganda into the English version, The Hare and the Kob, so that it may be read by as many readers as possible. This has been done through the SOFT series. SOFT stands for Save Our Folktales.

mu Olufumo wa Kakookolo lusibuka Bugunda, gye boogera olulimi oluganda. Ekitabo kino kikyusidwa okuva mu Luganda ne Kizzibwa mu lungereza n'omutwe, "The Hare and the Kob," kisobole okusomebwa era n'okunyumirwa abantu abasingawo obungi. Abasobozesezza kino beba SOFT, ekiggwaayo nti Save Our Folk Tales.

Author  : N. Saraya

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Product Location New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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