St. Bernard English Pupil's Book Six is based on the reviewed English language syllabus for Uganda.
This book has been written by experienced teachers in English. They have prepared work on different aspects to suit the needs of learners who are in their second last year at the primary level and are required to use English as a medium of instruction.
The four language skills namely; listening, speaking, reading and writing have been adequately catered for.
The pupil's book provides a variety of exercises to cater for the specially gifted learners and those with special learning needs.
The illustrations in the book are clear, accurate, attractive and gender balanced.
There is a well detailed teacher's guide to accompany this pupil's book.
ISBN: 978-9970-462-10-C
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Product Location | GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda |
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