New Biology for Tropical schools.
Third edition. R. H. Stone, A. B. Cozens.
- completely new edition emphasising the integrated approach to biology teaching
- rewritten and reorganised, incorporating much new material, for example the chapters on genetics and ecology
- provides complete coverage of the School Certificate syllabuses in East Africa and the Cambridge Examinations Syndicate O-Level biology syllabuses
- over 600 illustrations, many drawn specifically for this new edition
- existing illustrations enlarged and clarified
- past examination questions at the end of each chapter and at the end of the book
- wealth of ideas for practical work
- numerous references toEast African and Caribbean fauna and flora.
Author | Stones & Cozen |
Shipping Cost |
Product Location | GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda |
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