MK Thematic Mathematics Practice Book 1

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USh 17,000
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MK Publishers
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MK Thematic Mathematics Practice Book 1 has been specially written to meet the requirements for Primary One Thematic Curriculum. It is exclusively pictorial so as to remain language neutral. However, where necessary, spaces have been left for the teacher to write in a word or words in their language of instruction that are equivalent to those given in the footnotes.

The MK Thematic Mathematics Practice Book 1 is designed according to themes and each page seeks to identify a particular compentence to the learner. There are also plenty of colourful illustrations which make the book appealing to the learner.

The MK Thematic Mathematics Practice Book 1 aims at developing numeracy skills, reinforcing literacy, laying a firm foundation and developing the operational skills in Mathematics.

The MK Thematic Mathematics Practice Book 1 covers concepts in Sorting, counting progressively from pictures to number symbols and names, matching, place values, adding progressively from objects and pictures to number symbols, identifying missing numbers, subtracting progressively from objects and pictures to number symbols, multiplication as repeated addition, measurements, fractions, shapes and pictographs.

The MK Thematic Mathematics Practice Book 1 comprises of several numeracy games that can help the learners enjoy Mathematicsas a subject as well as realise that it is indeed part of our daily life. 

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