MK Primary Mathematics Pupil’s Book 5

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USh 27,000
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MK Publishers
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MK Primary Mathematics, Pupil's Book 5 is the fifth in this series which covers the current Uganda Primary Mathematics syllabus.

The course is written by a team of experienced classroom teachers, teacher trainers and curriculum developers. The course is designed to improve and make the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Primary Schools easier.

MK Primary Mathematics course has the following distinctive features:

1. Simple Language suitable to the level of learners.

2. Subtopical breakdown of the content matching with the current curriculum.

3. Group, Pair, and individual activities in the book bring out hands -on approach.

4. Enough examples for every subtopic.

5. Well graded exercises for consolidation of the concept learnt.

6. Relevant illustrations to guide learners further.

7. Topical dictionary to improve learners' vocabulary in Mathematics.

7. Topic tests for revision purposes and End of year test papers to give an overall 8. practice.

The characters listed above make this book appropriate for use both in the classroom and at home.

"MK Primary Mathematics" is the Mathematics course of the 21st century! 

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