MK Primary Mathematics Pupil’s Book 2

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USh 20,000
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MK Publishers
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A New MK Primary Mathematics course. 

The course 'A New MKPrimary Mathematics ' is the maths course of the 21st century! Written by a team of experienced classroom teachers, teacher trainers and curiculum developers, the course is designed to improve and make easier the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary Schools.

This course which is based on the current Ugandan Mathematics syllabus has the following distinctive features

1. This course has, tor each class a pupils book and a corresponding teachers quide.

2 Topics are carefuly and conveientyaranged to help the pupis learn the concepts being taught

3. The book was written in a cleat, simple and gradual language.

4. The pupils books have a lot of worked examples and exercises. Unit tests are given.

5. These books have attractive and stimulatingilustrations drawn from day to day experiences of the young leaners.

6. Pupil's books 1 and 2 are in full colour, whíle pupil's books 3 and above are in 2 colours.

A new MK Primary Mathematics Pupils book two is the second in this series which covers the Current Uganda Primary Mathematics sylabus.

The attractive llustrations in this course as well as their relevance to the everyday life are very good earning features.

The simplicity of the lanquage used, the numerous worked examples and exercises given, make this book appropriate for use both in the cassroom and at home. 

Class (primary) Primary two (P.2)
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Shipping 1 - 2 days
Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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