Author : N.M Patel, P. O. Odhiambo
K. C. S. E Revision Chemistry is Written according to the latest syllabus for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. The book is based on the re-organised and improved syllabus for the secondary cycle of the 8:4:4 System of education.
This book has been written strictly in conformity with the Secondary School Education Syllabus 2002 and organised sequentiallyto help the student link up Chemistry concepts from Form One to Form Four , thereby providing a quick and comprehensive revision guide for K.c.s.E. examinationin all the fifteen broad areas examined.
The book tackles all the topics examined in both K.C.S.E. Chemistry Paper I and Paper 2 as well as the practical paper (Paper 3). The questions in the book are sequenced to develop the candidate's skills in examination questions requiring recall, comprehensionand applicationof Chemistryconcepts and principles.The last chapter guides the learners in both qualitativeand quantitativeanalysis examined in the Chemistrypracticalpaper. Allthesteps required in numerical problems areshown.
lt is hoped that the book will be useful to both teachers and students in the revision of the entire K.C.S.E. Chemistry course.
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Product Location | GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda |
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