Essential English workbook B

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USh 6,000
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Longhorn Publishers
  1 - 2 days
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Essential English Workbook B for Pre-primary is a follow-up to the speech-based Book A. In Book B, the child is taught handwriting through copying of modelled letters, words and finally, simple sentences. The books are fully illustrated in colour and the pupil will enjoy learning immensely.

Essential English Workbook A for Pre-primary focuses on speech as the beginning point in language-learning. It teaches the sounds of the alphabet, basing them on real-life pictures for the child's easy recall. The material progresses from the alphabet to syllables, words and simple sentences.

The two books cover:

•the alphabet: sounding and writing

•naming given familiar pictures

•making words

•good handwriting: copying and writing

• shapes

• picture drawing

• colouring

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Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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