The Country Wife

0 600
USh 35,000
Auf Lager
Oxford University Press

Oxford English Drama offers plays from the sixteenth to early twentieth centuries in selections that make available both rarely printed and canonical works. The texts are freshly edited using modern spelling. Critical introductions, wide-ranging annotation, and informative bibliographies illuminate the plays' cultural contexts and theatrical potential for reader and performer alike.

Love in a Wood

The Gentleman Dancing-Master

The Country Wife

The Plain Dealer

Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Peter Dixon

'The series should reshape the canon in a number of significant areas. A splendid and imaginative project.' Professor Anne Barton, Cambridge University.

ISBN 9780199555185
Lieferzeit 1 - 2 Tage
Product Location Namirembe Road, New taxipark Unit 674, Central Region, Uganda

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