Basic Essentials of Organic CHEMISTRY MUNICEL

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Basic Essentials of



Basic Essentials of Organic Chemistry is a book that has been written with great simplicity such that the students can grasp the concepts with ease. The beauty of the book is that the Organic Chemistry concepts have been interestingly and logically approached from the simplest angle. Even the would be complex pools of content have been laid out in such a way that every student can comprehend them with minimal effort. Organic Chemistry is the most illustrated among the three branches of Chemistry, thus you will find enough illustrations to unearth the fundamental concepts of the Branch. This book has a series of exercises at the end of each Unit! These aim at helping the learner to master the concepts and familiarize with the questions that can be set in an examination. In addition there are several revision questions at the end of the book that aim at testing the mastery of the concepts by the learner. Presentation skills are key to every learner who prepares for an examination, this is why the book highlights these skills in the Conclusive Remarks such that the grades of the students are refined further. In a nutshell, this book is a great and complete companion to every student who wishes to excel in Chemistry at Level.

Nice reading

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