A-level Chemistry Ramsden

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Oxford University Press
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A-level Chemistry by E. N. Ramsden

This best-selling and highly regarded textbook has been updated tocover the new specifications for AS-Level and A2 Chemistry, and improved with new features and rewritten material to enhance learning and increase accessibility. It covers all the main specifications for the English and Welsh Awarding Bodies, and is particularly suitable for students approaching A-Level from GcSE Science: Double Award.

Chapters open with a topic of general interest covering an application related to the chemistry within the chapter. This helps to set the context and relevance of the subject matter, and make the text more accessible to students. Topics are treated from the beginning, without assuming prior knowledge.

New mathematics appendix, to help students with the maths needed to tackle the calculations in the book.

New questions from past examination papers.

New Concept Maps and Summary boxes, to encourage students to take stock of what they have learned in the preceding pages, and to aid understanding of the main ideas and connections between topics.

Margin notes are used to highlight key points.

Checkpoints in each chapter test students' understanding and support self-study.

The core book is supported with the Answers Key, which contains suggested answers and worked solutions to the Checkpoints and examination questions in the book, together with synoptic questions and suggested solutions and answers for students to practise on and develop their confidence. 

Author Ramsden
ISBN 9780748752997
Class (secondary) Senior Five (S.5), Senior Six (S.6)
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