Vision Entreprenuership Learner's Book 3

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New Vision Publishers
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Today, more and more people are struggling to make ends meet due to shrinking resources and associated high cost of living. Indeed, the world has never been more in need of entrepreneurs-people who can make a difference. As such, the importance of studying Entrepreneurship cannot be overemphasised. This textbook was written in line with Uganda's Vision 2040 and the National Development Plan, which underscore nurturing our ability to use both the emerging and traditional technologies, to solve problems in our societies to advance the livelihoods of all Ugandans.

This New Vision Entrepreneurship Book Three is a continuation of Books One and Two. It is an active and practical learner-centred book that aims at honing and sharpening learners' entrepreneurship skills, including planning a business, preparing an action plan, business ethics, bookkeeping, accounting and tax administration, among others.

The learner shall, throughout this book, learn through participating in practical activities, case studies and projects. Drawing from the learners' day-to-day experiences, because new information is learned better when it connects to, and expands what the learners already know, this book emphasises deeper learning that allows the learners to connect knowledge with real-world experiences to be able to solve real-life problems. In so doing, this book will open the learner's eyes to identifying problems in the community, and mobilising resources within reach to solve the said problems, thereby contributing to creating employment opportunities for themselves and others.

Generic skills, essential life skills and values, as well as, appreciation of other crosscutting issues, have been considered to help produce a well-rounded and patriotic individual, who appreciates their duty in contributing towards a better Uganda.

Author Ronald Jaggwe, Victor Tukamuhebwa
ISBN 9789970477821
Стоимость доставки
Перевозки 1-2 дня
Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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