Shine Standard Mathematics Pupil's Book 6 has been developed basing on the revised primary Six syllabus as guided by the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC).
Pupils and teachers will find this book useful because of the following special features;
- The book covers all themes of the primary Six Mathematics syllabus and each lesson ends with an evaluation exercise to help learners test their understanding of the concepts covered.
- The book is detailed with no content left out. It has been written for primary Six in a language that is suitable for both rural and urban learners. The book can therefore be used with minimum teacher's guidance.
- The examples given are carefully selected and set to guide the pupil to understand the concepts well.
- The questions are carefully set in order to challenge the pupils in thinking, reading, observing, comprehending and applying knowledge and skills in day today life. These are also key to excellent performance at PLE.
- The topics have well organized, relevant, and easy to understand notes and facts. It is written in a simple language and is well aided with illustrations/ diagrams where necessary to ease understanding.
- This book is written by experienced teachers of Mathematics.
Author | Paul Dhabasadha |
ISBN | 9780000000040 |
Класс (начальный) | Начальная шестерка (P.6) |
Стоимость доставки |
Перевозки | 1-2 дня |
Product Location | GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda |
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