Shine standard English pupils book 6

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Shine Standard English Pupil's Book 6 is the epitome of the teacher's and the pupil's search for success strategies in Primary Six English. The book covers the entire Primary Six English coursework as recommended in the Primary 6 Curriculum.

This book offers the pupil well-arranged content to suit the academic demands of the Primary Six class. With vocabulary lists and definitions for each topic, example sentences for the vocabulary covered, plus crystal-clear illustrations, Shine Standard English Pupil's Book 6 is a priceless gift to any semi-candidate aiming to cross to the candidate class with success vibes in the subject.

This book comprises the KNOW ZONE section, which gives the learner further explanation about key grammar concepts, making it handy both to the teacher and to the learner. Thanks for choosing Shine Standard English Pupil's Book 6. We hope it will propel you to Primary Seven with an achiever's mindset.

Other books in the series

  1. Shine Standard Social Studies
  2. Shine Standard Science
  3. Shine Standard Mathematics
  4. Shine Standard Literacy
  5. Shine Standard Religious Education
Author P. K. Monday
ISBN 9789913647847
Класс (начальный) Начальная шестерка (P.6)
Стоимость доставки
Перевозки 1-2 дня
Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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