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How can I list my book on

God's Mercy Bookshop is dedicated to promoting educational books for students. We provide a platform for authors to share their work with the world and help students succeed in their academic endeavors. If you're interested in listing your book on our website, here are the steps you can follow:

1. Check if your book is a good fit:

We focus on books that align with educational values and promote positive learning. Review our website and existing offerings to understand the content and target audience we serve. Ensure your book aligns with our mission and values.

2. Choose a listing option:

There are two main options for listing your book on

  • Direct Sales: You can sell your book directly through us. We will handle the order fulfillment and customer service. You will receive a royalty percentage on each sale.
  • Consignment: You can consign your book to us. We will display your book in our store and online, and you will be paid for any books that are sold.

3. Prepare your book information:

Gather all the necessary information about your book, including:

  • Title
  • Author name
  • ISBN number
  • Publication date
  • Brief synopsis
  • Category and genre
  • Target audience
  • Grade level
  • Retail price
  • High-quality cover image
  • Author bio and headshot

4. Submit your book for review:

We have a review process for all books submitted for listing. You can submit your book information and materials through our online contact page or by emailing directly: [email protected].

5. Wait for a decision:

The review process can take several weeks. You will receive a notification informing you whether your book has been accepted or declined.

6. Complete the listing process:

If your book is accepted, you will need to provide additional information and complete any necessary agreements. This may involve setting your royalty percentage, providing shipping details, and agreeing to our terms and conditions.

Here are some additional tips for listing your book on

  • Proofread your book information carefully before submitting it.
  • Make sure your book is well-formatted and professionally produced.
  • Promote your book on your own website and social media channels.
  • Consider offering a discount to our customers.
  • Build relationships with our team.

By following these steps and providing accurate and complete information, you can increase your chances of getting your book listed on and reaching a wider audience of students and educators.

Please note that the specific steps and requirements may vary depending on our current policies. We recommend that you visit our website or contact us directly for the most up-to-date information.

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