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Does have wishlists?

Yes, does have wishlists! This feature allows you to save a list of books you're interested in buying, either for yourself or for someone else. It's a great way to keep track of your reading queue, share your picks with friends and family, or hint at potential gifts you'd love to receive.

Here's how to use wishlists on

1. Create an account (if you haven't already): You'll need an account to access and manage your wishlist. Creating one is free and easy, and it gives you access to other benefits like order tracking and exclusive deals.

2. Browse and add books to your wishlist: As you explore the vast selection of books on, click the "Add to Wishlist" button on any book you'd like to save. You can add as many books as you want!

3. Manage your wishlist: Once you've added some books, you can easily access and manage your wishlist from your account page. You can:

  • View your list: See all the books you've saved, along with their titles, authors, prices, and cover images.
  • Remove items: If you change your mind about a book, you can simply remove it from your wishlist with a few clicks.

Benefits of using wishlists on

  • Keep track of your reading queue: Never forget about a book you wanted to read again! Save it to your wishlist for later reference.
  • Plan your book purchases: Decide which books you want to buy next and budget accordingly.

So, whether you're an avid reader always on the lookout for your next literary adventure or someone who wants to make gift-giving a breeze,'s wishlists are a handy and enjoyable feature to explore. Happy browsing and saving!

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