Baroque Senior four chemistry Learner's Book

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Baroque Publishers
  1 - 2 jours
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Baroque Senior Four Chemistry Learner's Book has been developed basing on the New Lower Secondary School Curriculum, whose aim is to enable learners to make informed decisions as citizens and family members and to give them the learning skills they need to think critically, study efficiently, and be prepared to enter the workforce and higher education.

The Learner's Book has been designed to allow learners to work individually and with others in practical and interactive activities that are related to the concepts in this course. It is expected that learners will apply investigative and problem-solving skills, communicate scientific information effectively, and not only appreciate the contribution that the study of Chemistry makes to their understanding of the world and natural phenomena but also realise that Chemistry can be the basis for entrepreneurial development.

The Book addresses the specific needs of learners who would like to proceed with Chemistry at higher levels, in addition to affirming the efforts started in Senior One and have been carried along to equip all learners with the ability to apply Chemistry knowledge in day-to-day activities. It also caters for different teaching and learning styles and needs in order to enable learners to develop skills and knowledge that will be of long-term value in a world where Chemistry is always increasingly important, rather than just focusing of large quantities of factual information.

The following aspects have been given consideration while developing the content of this book: respect for human life, awareness of the importance of living in harmony with the environment, independent and critical thinking, and the innovative application of science and technology in solving problems.

On completion of this course of study, a learner should:

• Understand oxidation and reduction, and appreciate that the two processes always occur together,

• Appreciate the principles behind some industrial processes and the importance of the products formed;

• Appreciate the diversity of properties of elements and how these properties change across the periods and groups of the Periodic Table;

• Appreciate that in any chemical reaction, energy usually in the form of heat - is lost or gained,

Appreciate that the products used in everyday life exist as chemicals and some of them can be prepared at home or in the laboratory;

• Understand atomic structure and the nuclear processes by which energy is released.

ISBN 9789970470419
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Expédition 1 - 2 jours
Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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