Shine standard Integrated Science pupils book 7

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Shine Standard Integrated Science Pupils' Book Seven has been developed basing on the revised Primary Seven Integrated Science Syllabus as prescribed by the new Curriculum of the National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC). It is designed to help pupils preparing for PLE as well as speeding up the process of coverage in order to create ample time for revision. Pupils will find this book excellent because of the following special features:

  • The book covers all the topics of the Primary Seven Integrated Science Syllabus and each sub topic ends with an assessment exercise to help the learners to test their understanding of the concepts covered.
  • The book is remarkably precise but detailed in content with no fact left hanging. It has been mainly written for Primary Seven in a language that is suitable for both rural and urban Pupils. The book can therefore be used with minimum teacher guidance.
  • The questions are carefully set in order to challenge the pupils in thinking, recalling, observing, comprehending and applying knowledge and skills in day to day life. These skills are also key to excellent performance at PLE.
  • The topics have well organized, relevant, and easy to understand notes and facts. It is written in a simple language and is well aided with illustrations/diagrams where necessary to ease understanding.
  • Projects and experiments have been included to make the subject practical and to enable learners discover knowledge and facts by themselves. This is also to promote a positive attitude towards Integrated science as a subject.
  • The book is learner centered and it shows that Integrated Science can be enjoyed depending on the above special features. It is a valuable and must-have for candidates and teachers in preparation for PLE.
  • The book is written and developed by experienced teachers of Integrated Science.

Other books by the same publishers:

  1. Shine Standard Integrated Science book 4
  2. Shine Standard Integrated Science book 5
  3. Shine Standard Integrated Science book 6
Author Perez Kirimuttu
ISBN 9780000000095
Klasse (Grundschule) Primär sieben (P.7)
Versand 1 - 2 Tage
Product Location GODS MERCY BOOKSHOP, New taxipark, Freeman building, Shop 674, Central Region, Uganda

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