Where can I buy medical textbooks in Uganda?

Where can I buy medical textbooks in Uganda?

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If you love literature books, stories & novel recommendations, join us on YouTube @GMBookshop

Want to acquire your next batch of medical textbooks, ideally online? One of the most significant advantages of purchasing textbooks online is that these online bookstores frequently include books that are not readily available in local stores. Then, of course, nothing beats the convenience of simply logging into your preferred e-commerce website, placing an order, making a payment, and returning to whatever you were doing. There is no need to get out of bed or stand up from your study table. You can place an order using your mobile phone. The entire process takes only a few minutes.

Nowadays, you don't even need a credit card to order books. You can pay with mobile money, cash-on-delivery, or one of the many e-wallets available today, such as WorldPay. Whether you're studying for an exam or just trying to keep up with what's going on in different classes, medical students are always looking for high-quality medical textbooks.

But where do you get the textbooks you really want?

godsmercybookshop.com: The most comprehensive book portal for your course materials. Although there are numerous online stores in Uganda nowadays, specialist textbooks should be acquired from specialized portals simply because the collection is not only comprehensive; the reviews made by past customers are more informative, unbiased, and beneficial.

Take, for example, godsmercybookshop.com, a website that only sells books to students studying medical, engineering, biology, and a variety of other technical areas. The website also offers competitive exam-related books. But, for the purposes of this article, we'll look at the medical textbooks available here and why they're the ideal location to acquire them online.

Although godsmercybookshop.com is an online book portal, it also serves as a growing community of students looking for high-quality technical books in medical, nursing, and other professions. Customers do more than just buy books; they also provide insightful evaluations that might help you make informed judgments before purchasing books.

Buying textbooks for oneself. It is an e-commerce portal that solely sources books for students and those pursuing professional degrees such as nursing and medicine.

How can you determine the quality of a decent online bookstore? Typically, a typical Ugandan shopper seeks out the following elements in an online bookstore:

  • Discounts

  • Free or cheaper delivery

  • Good return policy

  • Delivery of books to places where usually other e-commerce websites don't deliver

  • Available books that are not available at other online bookstores

The team behind godsmercybookshop.com work around the clock to ensure that you receive the textbooks you are looking for. You may find medical textbooks that are not available in your institute's library. They use a large network of book publishers, wholesalers, and even authors to build one of the most extensive and authoritative online book catalogs. The website offers books from Ugandan and international publishers at very reasonable prices.

What about other popular online booksellers, such as Amazon and Flipkart? Of course, they are megastores, and they have established a reputation for delivering almost anything under the sun. This is also their weakness. Although both websites began as bookshops, they have evolved into superstores, unlike godsmercybookshop.com. Whatever is sold on these websites is provided by their vendors or sellers, and it is up to these merchants to decide what to sell.

godsmercybookshop.com is solely an online bookstore that sells medical and other books. This is a specialized service offered solely to students and those preparing for competitive tests. The medical and nursing books available at godsmercybookshop.com may not be available on other e-commerce websites.

Even in the medical area, you may find books in a variety of categories, including anatomy, dentistry, dermatology, pediatrics, pharmacy, nursing, veterinary, and many more. Medical textbooks are available in a variety of media, including paperback. You can also search for your preferred books based on the amount of discount that you are receiving on medical textbooks. The good news is that hundreds of titles are added every day, and soon you'll be able to buy almost any book available anywhere on the globe.

  • user

    N Rajasekhar

    his is the Admin Manager from Indian Institute of Health & Allied Sciences, Bamboo Road Kampala. We need a few Medical Books for our college purposes. The list is as attached below. Kindly provide me with the status of availability and cost of them . Kindly send the quotation by mail and we can further catch up. Thanking You Yours Truly N Rajasekhar +256 702 575943 Exclusively Books for Medical as per NCHE UGANDA Project A. ANATOMY S.No. Title Author Qty 1 Grant's Methods of Anatomy John V. Basmajjan 2 2 A textbook of Histology 12th Ed. D.W. Fawcett 2 3 Atlas of Functional Histology J.B. Kerr 2 4 Functional Histology H. George Burkit 2 5 Essentials of Human Embryology W.J. Larsen 2 6 Langman's Medical Embryology 9th Ed. T.W. Sadler (Book has accompanying CD-ROM) 2 B. BIOCHEMISTRY 7 Biochemistry 2nd Ed. Voet D., Voet J.G. 2 8 Illustrated Biochemistry Harper's 2 C. PHYSIOLOGY 9 Immunology 2nd Ed. Roitt L., Brostoff J. 2 D. PSYCHOLOGY 10 Human Behaviour an introduction for medical students Alan Stoudemire 2 11 Reading in contemporary sociological theory Englewood Cliffs 2 E. PATHOLOGY 12 Textbook of pathology Muir's 2 13 General Pathology Walter Isreal 2 F. MEDICAL ETHICS 14 Communication skills for medicine M.Lloyd R. Bor 2 15 Ethics A. Odonga 2 16 Principles of Bioethics Beauchamp TL 2 17 Clinical Ethics Jonsen RA 2 I. SOCIOLOGY 18 Sociology Dr. S.R. Myneni 2 19 Principles of Sociology Dr. S.R. Myneni 2 20 An Introduction to Sociology Dr. Vidya Bhusan 2 21 Theoritical Sociology Dr. D.R. Sacheva 2 22 Logic and Methods of Sociological Research Dr. Bailey 2 23 Human Society - Dingsley Daris Dingsley Davis 2 24 Sociology -A Systematic Introduction Jonson-H 2 25 Theory of Scial Control La Piere 2 26 A Foundations of Sociology Lundberg George 2 27 Social Change in modern India M.N. Sriniwas 2 28 Hindu Society at Cross Road K.M. Pannikar 2 29 Rural Sociology in India A.R. Desai 2 30 Dynamic of a Rural Society Ramakrishana Mukherjee 2 31 Hand Book of Social Psychology (Volume-I, II & III) Lindsay 2 32 Socological Thought T. Abel 2 J. ANTHROPOLOGY 33 An Introducation to General Antropology Harris Marrin 2 34 Social and Cultural Antropology Honigmann 2 35 Research Methods in Anthropology Bernad H.R. 2 36 Applied Anthropology in India L.P Vidyarthi 2 37 Enthnogoaphies of Schooling in Contemporary India Thapan Meenakshi 2 38 Anthropology and Global Problems Richard H. Robbins/Richel A Dowty 2 39 Advance Physicla Anthropology P. Nath 2 40 Indian Anthropology Nadeem Hasnain 2 41 Psychological Anthropology Sorah Etheredge/P. Nath 2 42 Linguistic Anthropology Alessandro Duranti 2 K Dental Anatomy , Embryology and Oral Histology 43 Dental Anatomy -its relevance to dentistry Woelferl & Scheid 2 44 Applied Physiology of the Mouth Lavelle 2 45 Physiology & Biochemistry of the mouth Jenkins 2 46 Orban's Oral Histology Emryology Kumar G.S. 2 47 Text Book of Oral & Maxillofacial Anatomy Histology & Embryology Prabhu S.R. 2 L Dental Material 48 Notes on Dental Materials E.C.Combe 2 49 Prep. Manulal for undergraduates - Dental Materials M.S.Koudi & B. Patil 2 50 Phillip's--Dental Material Anusavice 2 M Pre-Clinical Prosthodontics 51 T/b of Preclinical Prosthodontics N.Gopi Chander 2 52 Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients Zarb- Bolender 2 N Pre-Clinical Conservative 53 Clinical Operative Dentistry principles and Practice Ramya Raghu 2 Total Title 53 Total Books 106

    5 months ago